PADI Women's Dive Day
Celebrating diversity in diving

為您的社區舉辦一場 PADI 女性潛水日相關的主題活動。
PADI 潛水中心,度假村和專業人士:請登錄環保活動定位器列表平台,為您的活動註冊。步驟很簡單!確保您在對應的選項裡打勾,顯示您的活動是以PADI 女性潛水日為主題的。點擊這裡了解“環保活動定位器“的更多相關信息和”快速開始指南“。
PADI Women’s Dive Day provides a unique opportunity to connect with your local community, motivate new students to take their first breath underwater, encourage divers to take get their next certification, or simply give a reason to deepen relationships with the ocean and each other.
Join the movement this July by hosting a PADI Women’s Dive Day event for your community. Register your dive shop’s event via PADI Adventures (or the PADI Conservation Activities Locator for PADI Professionals).
與全球潛水社群聯繫。在社交媒體上分享你的故事,以及你所在社群其他令人驚艷的 #padiwomen 的故事。別忘了在活動照片和貼文中標記 #padiwomen 和 #padiwomensdiveday。